Thursday 8 May 2008

Body Modification

I think the majority of legal body modification such as piercing, tattoos and most plastic surgery is acceptable. Most of us have some kind of modification on our bodies. I can fully understand body modification that serves a purpose in the sense that it enhances your appearance. There aren’t many celebes who haven’t, at some point gone under the knife and I think a large number of us would consider it given we were financially able. I think a little alteration is ok however some people claim to be “addicted” to plastic surgery.

Tuesday 6 May 2008


On the topic of stalking I was very much disturbed by news that a friend of mine has been hassled for months by an anonymous stalker. She eventually reported it to the police after they had slashed her car tyres. She was under the impression it may have been a jealous x boyfriend but wasn’t certain. The police have done nothing which is quite a concern. The lecture raised the question as to whether stalking is still wrong given the person in question is unaware of your behaviour and I would strongly agree that it most defiantly is. Everyone has the right to there own privacy and invading this freedom, whether they are aware or not is wrong. An unhealthy obsession with someone is no good for anyone.

Monday 5 May 2008

The Amsterdam Experience

Amsterdam is probably the most notorious place to visit if you’re looking at participating in some “bad behaviour”. Many of us visit Amsterdam in an attempt to try out some of the experiences it has to offer, an obvious option for a stag weekend away. Amsterdam is known for its red light district and its “coffee shops”. However considering Amsterdam is a place recognised for its leniency on drugs and prostitution the crime rate is surprisingly low. Not what you would expect to find from such a place. Perhaps because people are allowed to behave a little badly and allowed a little more “freedom” to experiment, there is less of a need to rebel.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Reply to Kids post

In responce to post. I think that most parents are blind where there children are concerned. I think some parents need a reality check. But then again you cant really blame the parents if they really are completely ignorant to what there kids get up to, especially when there out of sight. However I think that some parents lack an honest relationship with there children. Obviously we all do things we shouldn’t at times but I guess that’s part of growing up. As long as were not as extreme as the kids in this film, I think a little bad behaviour at times isn’t so bad.

Kids film

Just thought I’d comment on the film from the lecture a few weeks ago. Unfortunately under circumstances out of my control I missed the lecture, which I was quite disappointed about, so I went ahead and bought the film. What can I say other than SHOCKING! Didn’t quite know what to expect from the film but needless to say it very controversial. A real eye opener considering those kids was so young. It tackled all sorts of issues from underage sex, alcoholism, drugs, theft and STDs. Just goes to show that when you’re that age you think you know everything when in actual fact those kids knew nothing about life or responsibilities. It scary really, but I think this film offers a lot when considering consequences of our actions. I think some of us when were young seem to think were untouchable but it just goes to show how wrong we can be.

Wednesday 2 April 2008

Shoplifting celebs

Usually associated with the lower classes?? Not always the case! It seems Britney Spears has recently been caught in the act and who can forget the famous Winona Ryder case. Even presenters Richard and Judy were caught out steeling a bottle of plonk from Tesco’s in 1994. I can completely sympathise with people who are scraping together the money to feed their families, but since when has Britney Spears been short of a few quid? I think a lot of celebrities almost feel as if there entitled to take what they want, and sometimes I think it may just be another publicity stunt. Perhaps knowing you can afford anything you want takes the fun out of a lavishing shopping trip and steeling something stirs up a bit of excitement.

Tuesday 1 April 2008


Since the rapid growth of internet based sources that allow us to illegally download films and music off the net, the entertainment industries have been under threat. There is so much illegal material circulating our society that advertisement campaigns have been set up in order to discourage people from accessing it. But who can blame them when they charge so much for the latest album or the latest DVD. It’s no wonder people choose to purchase illegal copies of films and music or download them when there a fraction of the price in the shops or even better free. Particularly younger people who can’t afford to go out and spend £15 on the latest CD or kids whose pocket money won’t stretch enough to exceed the overpriced goods. People would be a lot more willing to purchase them if they were at a more reasonable price, after all the average DVD or CD cost pence to make so why not sell them cheaper and in the long run sell a lot more? Who can fault knock of Nigel for buying knock off DVD’s? not me! He’s probably a lot better off in the long run. Oh and in response to the “Piracy Funds Terrorism” campaign …..Where on earth did they get that from?I think if these industries address the reasons why people buy or download illegal material in the first place then everyone would be happy. End of rant.

Thursday 27 March 2008

Hangover Holidays

Many young adults nowadays choose to opt for alcohol guzzling holidays abroad. Places like Ibiza attract so many young British tourists every year, whose very aim is to spend the majority of the holiday drunk, in the process of getting drunk or recovering from a previously drunken night. Being only 19 years of age myself I can empathise with the young majority however I’d rather not spend the whole of my holiday in a drunken blur. I think for many of us going on holiday is not only an opportunity for us to get away from the routine of our everyday lives but also an opportunity to explore and experience things we would dream of doing back home. I think kicking off our heels once in a while and going a bit wild is good for us, however as long as you know where do draw the line and don’t end up getting yourself thrown into some foreign prison or getting so drunk you lose all inhibitions. I thought it was quite funny when my older brother came back from a lad holiday in Ibiza last year without so much as a slight tan due to the fact he had been out all night and slept all day. I think everyone benefits from behaving a little badly from time to time. Oh and have a look at this article i found from the Telegraph about "Saga Louts" its about older generations getting drunk and causing trouble abroad....i found it quite amusing!

Wednesday 26 March 2008

Maturbation - Reply (Comment)

In responce to post.
Thought I would leave you a comment as you’re post made me giggle in relation to your mom. My parents are very open about sex and what not but I seem to remember my mother being quite revolted when watching the scene with the pie from “American Pie” I think however it was more to do with mutilated pie than the actual act in itself as the films deal with masturbation in a very humorous context. In relation to these films it seems that the only time we openly discuss masturbation is when we address it from a comical level, sex is different though I think. Most the time sex scenes in films are quite serious, whether it’s a romantic sex scene or one fuelled by lust however I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a masturbation scene in a film that hasn’t been comical in one way or another.


It may be a far cry from what some people would consider really bad behaviour but I have decided to include this as it’s something that really annoys me. I don’t see any need for people to litter and it really bugs me when I see people doing it. I guess to a certain extent it could be “bad” because it’s considered a criminal offence under Section 87 of the Offence of Leaving Litter - of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. I think it looks so awful when you walk down the street and it’s covered in chip papers and goodness knows what else. Why is it so difficult for people to walk to the nearest bin? It really is discusting and I think more should be done to prevent people from disgarding their rubbish anywhere and everywhere.

Tuesday 25 March 2008


For years the idea of masturbation- or self abuse as it was thought, was an unspeakable sin. But why was this? Catholosism suggest that any sexual action that that does not result in the opportunity of creating life within a marriage is a sin. However many would argue it a perfectly normal and healthy activity.
I think masturbation is just a part of life, I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with it and I think people choose not to talk about it because most people consider it to be such a private matter, even more so than sex.

Sunday 23 March 2008

The fascination with smoking.

Smoking is so often used in films as a means of seduction. For example in the film Pulp Fiction Uma Thurman, who is portrayed as a sexy seducer who consistently “lights up.” I think smoking has some sort of danger element associated with it and this idea of danger and rebellion is often considered to be sexy.

Sunday 9 March 2008

Stalking- Reply

I agree with I think celebrities leave themselves wide open for this type of behaviour. Being a celeb they are constantly in the public eye and therefore attract all different types of attention, but this is part and parcel of the life they have chosen for themselves, just as the press reporting about them have chosen that career path. Like you however I also agree that celebs in serious trouble should be left alone until they have straightened themselves out.


During some research into the topic of Infidelity I came across this article entitled “Why no affair is ever a mistake” by Elaine Sihera. It was interesting to read her somewhat controversial view on adultery and how she claims that such behaviour shouldn’t be regretted or apologised. She suggests choosing to instigate an affair is a decision based on feelings and emotions that shouldn’t be ignored. Whatever relationship we are in, is therefore not meeting our required needs and if an affair can fulfil these needs then so be it. It is human nature to chase after something or someone that makes us feel good about ourselves and lets us escape from the reality of our everyday lives. The article however does not address the devastating affects adultery can have on the partners of those we stray away from.

Thursday 21 February 2008

Go see a "bad" comedian.