Tuesday 8 April 2008

Reply to Kids post

In responce to http://li3y88.blogspot.com/ post. I think that most parents are blind where there children are concerned. I think some parents need a reality check. But then again you cant really blame the parents if they really are completely ignorant to what there kids get up to, especially when there out of sight. However I think that some parents lack an honest relationship with there children. Obviously we all do things we shouldn’t at times but I guess that’s part of growing up. As long as were not as extreme as the kids in this film, I think a little bad behaviour at times isn’t so bad.

1 comment:

Liz Tattersall said...

After reading your blog about the video kids, I am inclined to agree about the shock value of the film. Maybe that is what the director was aiming for to try and get adults, especially parents, thinking about what the kids are getting upto. I was amazed the actors parents allowed them to partake in such a controversial film, but if the film at least help save one or two kids the message has got across. I think the way they portrayed the HIV issue was good, this showed kids that it only takes the once, so hopefully condom sales went up!! In todays society I think we pander more to the kids instead of making a stand and stopping the wayward behaviour, asbos were a great idea, but maybe we need to look at finding things to interest the youth, instead of just waiting for the bad to happen.