Wednesday 2 April 2008

Shoplifting celebs

Usually associated with the lower classes?? Not always the case! It seems Britney Spears has recently been caught in the act and who can forget the famous Winona Ryder case. Even presenters Richard and Judy were caught out steeling a bottle of plonk from Tesco’s in 1994. I can completely sympathise with people who are scraping together the money to feed their families, but since when has Britney Spears been short of a few quid? I think a lot of celebrities almost feel as if there entitled to take what they want, and sometimes I think it may just be another publicity stunt. Perhaps knowing you can afford anything you want takes the fun out of a lavishing shopping trip and steeling something stirs up a bit of excitement.

1 comment:

Sarah Thorpe said...

I think that celebrities shoplift in order to have control over at least one aspect of their lives. Imagine living in a state of madness, rushing from one place to another, always busy and then there's the paparazzi to deal with.
I can understand the need to have control over what you would steal and when you would do it.
However celebrities should be taught that no matter their level of fame or fortune they cannot act as they please.