Tuesday 1 April 2008


Since the rapid growth of internet based sources that allow us to illegally download films and music off the net, the entertainment industries have been under threat. There is so much illegal material circulating our society that advertisement campaigns have been set up in order to discourage people from accessing it. But who can blame them when they charge so much for the latest album or the latest DVD. It’s no wonder people choose to purchase illegal copies of films and music or download them when there a fraction of the price in the shops or even better free. Particularly younger people who can’t afford to go out and spend £15 on the latest CD or kids whose pocket money won’t stretch enough to exceed the overpriced goods. People would be a lot more willing to purchase them if they were at a more reasonable price, after all the average DVD or CD cost pence to make so why not sell them cheaper and in the long run sell a lot more? Who can fault knock of Nigel for buying knock off DVD’s? not me! He’s probably a lot better off in the long run. Oh and in response to the “Piracy Funds Terrorism” campaign …..Where on earth did they get that from?I think if these industries address the reasons why people buy or download illegal material in the first place then everyone would be happy. End of rant. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2008/mar/27/piracy.digitalmusic


flames said...

Internet piracy is something one just have get use to. If the tecnology is there then I guess everyone is going to make use of it. However, we also have to remember that it is the artist that put all the hard work into the creation of the product that looses out. Therefore if you are a true fan then it would be good to go out and buy the CD.

Shoker1 said...

i agree with flames, if its there for free why pay for it. i do think that the price of things is very expensive a cd is £15ish and dvds are £15ish, if there is only 1 or 2 good songs on a cd why buy the whole cd. the music industry has plenty of money in it how else are rappers able to buy million dollar rings etc. but if a cd is good then it is nice to have the actual cd